In my level 5 class, we are aiming for Intermediate High as the goal for the course. Of course, the individual students vary, but I want Intermediate High to be known as I do my research for what authentic resources and what content I choose.
We teach a chapter entitled "Las Riquezas Naturales" and I was looking for a more focused approach as I designed my IPA and after collecting a lot of authentic resources and trying to determine what cultural aspect would be interesting to the students, I decided to focus on the landmine epidemic in Colombia.

e it in the classroom. The movie shows the reality of true poverty in a country in Central America and is very inspiring to want to help to make a change. So I was also aware of the nonprofit organization Kiva where people ask for loans. Some other bloggers have created a project with it also. Putting this together with a Colombian focus gave me a true vision for the unit. I knew that I had to get the students to see the beauty in Colombia and the harsh reality that citizens face. So my backward design and path of study has settled on the following:
(we meet on block schedule. 80 minutes every other day)
Day 1: Cortometraje: El Dia Menos Pensado (comes with our textbook)
1. Entrada: identify from list natural disasters (ideas such as earthquake, hurricane, landmines, natural resource shortage, etc)
2. watch corto
-discuss what happens
3. grammar review (we'll focus on para que)
-character identification (get one of characters and state what you do in the corto using para que so others can guess who you are)
-paper plates (get a problem on a strip of paper...keep secret....put plate on top of your head and draw it...when you are done describe your art to your group who can respond with focused grammar...this allows teacher to pre-spiral in minas as the unit will focus here)
repeat if time
4. Evaluation: write 2 sentences on your plate. 1. describe pic, 2. sent using para que
Day 2:Colombia Intro
I really wanted to introduce them to the geography aspect today so when we study the landmines, they will have an understanding of the physical nature.

2. Geografia: Play Kahoot https://create.kahoot.it/#quiz/92faa31c-9390-46ce-9f8e-5101b1850cad
3. Art (see my pinterest page for the 4 pieces I used): I did this like a running dictation activity. Groups of 4 if possible; decide which 2 are artists and which 2 are narrators
Round 1: Drawing:
narrators go in hall, look at their assigned pic and return to tell artists how to draw
Round 2: Coloring:
switch roles and get a new art focus (teacher give the new art to the artists in black and white). narrators go in hall, look at the newly assigned pic and return to tell artists how to color
4. Evaluation: brief writing to describe the geography of Colombia
Day 3: Arte: Recursos Naturales
I usually focus my art day on a particular painting, but in this unit it seems appropriate to keep along the line of geography to set the stage for the minas that we'll be focusing on. (additionally, in the movie we watch, the mom sells her artesania to earn money)
1. Entrada: do practice interpretive reading with vocab focus. I got an article about crafts and had them find some vocabulary that was pertinent. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artesan%C3%ADa
2. Recursos: Then I asked them what natural resources can be used to make artesania.
3. Disenos: We viewed some pictures and noted the designs
4. Make your own: I provided materials to make:
god's eye, yarn painting, rainstick (using tp roll and beans), bean art, amate (paper bag)
Evaluation: I planned on doing an interpersonal practice, but they were too consumed in their art. Their daily reflections stated they this was what they enjoyed so I accepted it.
Day 4: Minas Intro
1. Entrada:

teacher distribute andes candies (get it: andes mountain chain!!):
round 1: teacher give definition and students move candy to correct box and teacher ask for vocabulary word (example: the action of putting foot on ground...pisar)
round 2: teacher say vocabulary word and students move candy
"round 3": students eat chocolate and students write vocabulary word (make sure to cover them up on front board!)
2. Problema: Quizlet Live to introduce; PPT presentation to follow where I asked questions
3. Efectos:
Interpretive assessment (video on youtube and I made assessment using ACTFL template)
4. As they finish: play Juanes Fijate (easy mode) on lyrics training to fortify the problem

1. Entrada: Juanes biography (from El Mundo de Birch)
a. Students highlight one thing in each paragraph either most important or most interesting.
b. share out in group
c. cold-call students
2. Fijate Bien review (done at end of last class as game). Show my picture as they will make their own today for a different song
3. Minas Piedras
a. WS: listen and do cloze
b. watch lyric video to verify vocabulary choice
c. visually represent the song and use 2 lines from the song
4. Evaluation: create a presentational video to describe your poster
Day 6: Movie: Los Colores de la Montana
1. Entrada: Make an acrostic poem using my example for Colombia about MINAS.
2. Oral Evaluation:
a. get a partner from different group and present your poem
b. partner chat for one minute as partner tallies (see "minuto de charlar" http://senoramthomas.blogspot.com/2017/02/my-professional-growth.html)
round 1: geography of Colombia
round 2: las minas terrestres
3. Movie: watch for 50 minutes (I used questions from a study guide: https://julianwhiting.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/los_colores_de_la_montaa__study_guide_carmen-herrero-and-ana.pdf)
4. Discussion: cultural observations (countryside, language comparisons such as the use of vos, elements of machismo)
Day 7: Movie: Los Colores de la Montana
1. Entrada: protaganistas y repaso
2. Movie: watch for 40 minutes to finish
3. discussion: they have questions...take time to clarify
5. Evaluation: write a dear diary from Manuel's POV
Day 8: Campanas Contra Minas
1. Entrada: Read about Juanes concert in LA to raise money with other singers and hostess Salma Hayek
2. "Research" 3 campaigns:
a. music: use Yerson and Stuard music on schoology
b. Remangate: 1. view ads around room and take notes 2. group discussion about observations & effectiveness
c. #nomasminas: each student find their own visual on BYOD, screenshot and present finding to classmates
3. Apoyo Americano: do interpersonal speaking: record on schoology so teacher can use interpersonal rubric to give feedback. Role play: You and your friend want Spanish club to do something to help those people living in Colombia. Discuss what you can do.
4. Evaluation: triple venn diagram
Day 9: Movie: Living on One Dollar
Watch movie
Reflection in Spanish on movie
Connection to Colombia? (filmed in Guatemala)
Day 10: Kiva.org research
1. Interpretive Evaluation (I used this article with ACTFL template...as Stephen Krashen support...this would be within the idea of "narrow reading" since we've been studying this path)
2. Support
a. Kiva intro (input in Spanish about micro financing, compare to GoFundMe)
b. Goal: If we combine our donations (I'm suggesting kids to donate $1 and I'll match the total), we can contribute. Let the competition begin!
3. "Research": Work with partner to find a person in Colombia to support. Choose based on:
-a person that you want to help
-a project you want to support
-consider think about their repayment plan to be successful
-impact on community
Days 11-12: Work Days: Presentational Mode: Make a presentation about the person you're supporting. This is a competition so your presentation needs to make an impact on your audience (clarity, intonation, visuals).
Day 13: Evaluation: 1. Watch presentations 2. Presentational Writing: Who will you vote for. Explain!
Student Reflection:
Weekly homework (surtidos):
Videos used:
Music used / played as background:
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