something before. My own children were working on their (5th grade) book report at home and that's when it hit me. I have a lot of icons and symbolism in this unit, so I'd conclude with a Mystery Bag interview. (I created a back up for students who "forgot")
Pinterest board
Youtube playlist
Youtube videos
Choice HW
Students need to bring in a mystery bag that has 5-6 objects that represent examples of solidarity. Two-three need to be specific movements or references (so they can incorporate past time frame) and two-three need to be general symbols or connections. They were seriously so creative and this was a fun summative interview. they switched bags, took out an object and asked questions about it. We work a lot on two things at the Intermediate level:
1. asking questions, specically follow-up questions and questions that serve to gain information or insight (beyond simple, rote questions)
2. creating a connected, unified conversation and that includes supporting your partner by reacting to their comments. I got inspiration in this area from Colleen's blog, a fellow #langchat regular.
I also really try to reward efforts in both of these and recenty turned to use La Maestra Loca's point system which was a great incentive and acknowledgement of their efforts in these categories.
So here's my unit. I've really made efforts to do more active, hands-on, moving and trying to work deskless! Day 1, Day 2, Day 4, Day 8 were perfect for this.
Day 1: Describe ul simbolismo de objetos y arte
frases: Que sabes de Picasso?
Entrada: Picasso bio (I just printed and shortened a Wikipedia article): highlight something interesting in each paragraph and be prepared to support yourself
B. Simbolismo (sit in big circle)
a. Fruit basket: (this is to review colors which they know...but I like building you know and I know that they don't know brown or purple!) Teacher posts "arco iris" (to incorporate that vocab word for next activity) and reviews all colors. Have students visually review their outfits and teacher says if you're wearing blue, stand up and trade seats. Continue through different colors and ultimately getting them to sit with a new partner.
b. Paper plates: distribute plates, a marker and a word (I selected ones that will come up in the unit). Then they have to put the paper plate on top of their head and draw it! So fun...giggles...certainly not Picassos!....then when done, share your word and explain your visual to your partner. I switched out symbols and had them do round two and then share out with partner on their other side!

pass the bag and when it's your turn you have 2 options: take out an object and comment OR comment on a previous item that a student took out. At end, see if they can make a connection to what they all symbolize (all peace related)
d. introduce the project (mystery bag) as the goal of the unit so they know what to prepare for in this unit.
C. Picasso
a. share out their thoughts from entrada
b. comic discussion
c. picasso gallery: I printed out all of Picasso's works from his line with doves. they walked and talked...but partner one had to ask a question about the painting (what colors do you see, what do you think this represents, what do you see, do you like this painting) and the other answered. move to new visual and trade Q&A roles
d. class review: let students share out any thoughts (I gave points if a got a few volunteers).
Then I shared: Picasso had a daughter after he spent time on this...what did he name her? Paloma! y cuando Paloma tuvo una hija...como la nombro? Paz!
D. Evaluation: TBD (we had shortened block!)
Day 2: Problemas Mundiales
Same as last year and I still feel this interpretive piece is a worthy assessment. In fact, students referenced it during their interviews by using an instrument as the icon.
Day 3: Derechos Humanos
1. A. admin:
Meta: describe las fuerzas mundiales que violan derechos
b. frases: ¿Cuál influencia tiene
la comunidad en un individuo?
Entrada: pic description
B. Derechos Humanos
- Visual: Yo veo with partner; report out and discuss significado
- Teacher define human rights
- Ejemplos?
- Salad bowl: I got this idea from Carrie Toth with examples that will come up over the unit
- Violaciones
- Teacher give input
- Kahoot jumble (repeat to improve)

Day 4: Guernica
Some similarities to last year
A. Admin
Meta: describe el simbolismo de arte y como resultó de guerra
b. frases: ¿Cómo afecta guerra a una comunidad?
c. Entrada: none bc timing
B. Spain (see orig blog entry for "notes"1. copy categories
2. timer @ 10 minutes and students "research"
3. Jeapordy on whiteboards: to practice asking questions since this is part of summative evaluation
-I posed an answer (1 at a time) they would have gotten during "research"
-they wrote a question that would elicit the answer
- I awarded individual points they tallied on their boards, giving bonus point for something I deemed (usually past tense) I took an opportunity to review answers and provide more insight
-candy to winner!
C. Art:
I then share some pictures from Guenica....and then the painting itself and we continue same as last year
D. evaluation: label the picture
Day 5: Corrupt Leaders
Day 6: Finish Mariposas, discuss how it represents our theme of Solidarity
Day 7: Desaparecidos: same as last year but evaluation is to answer on flipgrid which situation made on impact personally on student and why
well, I did modify a station to focus on the article regarding Ruben Blades because i wanted to identify victims, people responsible, the event and the singer
Day 8: Movimiento por las Victimas
A. Admin
describe las cualidades de solidaridad
frases: ¿Cómo se puede responder a los
desapareciones forzadas?
c. Entrada: WS to review various incidentsB. Movimiento por los Desaparecidos
review entrada
listening IPA (I played the video 3x) I have downloaded the video because sometimes they disappear! This was a bit challenging, but I think appropriately challenging.
when done, I ask for comments or questions (and rewarding points to encourage!)
discuss Simbolismo (panuelos = panales)
C. Movimiento por Paz
note: I couldn't find an authentic pañuelo (obviously since the purpose is to put on display to serve as memorial) so I made 3 of my own

I put them in 3 groups (because that's how many "#authres" I had)
they simply had to make one comment when they had the object (color, thoughts, descriptions, guesses)
groups trade and repeat for all 3
then we form a big circle and talk about each one...ultimately making connections to who each one represents (I loved this...thinking out loud...the discussion for #43..a person of 43 years or the students and then using the adjectives as evidence for the students that they learned about during stations!), what the colors are, where these are, symbolism (panuelos for crying), access to all (they are cheap), importance of spending time hand-making these (in fact, the one I made was about my grandma! she passed away that date and I was out of the country so I wasn't able to say goodbye, but she isn't a desaparacida...but I spent an hour thinking about her as I made that!!!)
D. Evaluation:
Day 9: Ciudadano Global (same as last year)
Day 10: interviews! They were awesome. I randomly assigned a partner and they grabbed a computer and dispersed to interview each other. I loved their creativity and their conversations.
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