Youtube playlist
I like to play background music that is somehow connected to unit of study. Also, it pre-exposes them to any song we may study later.
Youtube video playlist
Some vids that I will most likely use as a focus
Choice Homework (I had 2 QR code errors but I did fix so fingers crossed)
Goal: Since we work in collaboration with a University, we took advantage of this. This unit will expose students to a variety of problems and some (interesting) repairs. The goal is for students to present a proposal to the University. I am very pleased with this goal as I think we have focus AND an authentic audience. This will serve as final presentational writing. The final presentational speaking will be a thank you video to the guest speakers we bring in. Again..authentic audience! We'll do it on Flipgrid so we can share the link with those guests.
To Our Esteemed Adjunct Professor:
As you know, University is looking for innovative ways to bring in the language, the culture and service learning to our program. We are reaching out to our students to gain new ideas on how we can help Latino communities in need of assistance. We would like to focus on the Latino communities, as this is an opportunity to involve our language classes. Our committee will review the suggestions in order to determine a feasible plan to offer to University students in the near future.
I will add a day for guest speakers depending on their availability
1. Types of Communities (to let them reflect on vocabulary they can associate)
2. Mi Pueblo
3. Trafico Venezolano: Mimos (inspired from the Rockstar Martina Bex!)
4. Vendedores Ambulantes (based on Ruben Blades song)
5. Sin Techo (using the song La Historia de Juan by Juanes as the base)
6. Pobreza (visiting Google Maps)
7. Violencia (using a song and video from Julieta Venegas)
8. Respuesta a Violencia (reading evalution based on art exhibition in LA)
9. Arte: grafiti y murales
10. Macromural Mexicano
11. Impacto del Macromural
12. Speaking Evaluation
13. Writing Evaluation
Day 1: Types of Communities
I did activities to ease into the unit. I give them a vocab list with about 9 words that will come into play during the unit. I only give them a vocabulary list because they feel better with it. I think the words are brought up enough for thm to acquire during the course of study.
1. vocab list
2. Caligrama
3. Types of communities: (rural, suburbio, urbana)
I put big paper out with the three types and they need to walk and write words that they associate.
I ask for 3 words, then rotate and add 3 different words to the next paper, and continue. This lets us make a few rounds and they can see other ideas.
Once they have made a few rounds, back to seats and we share out. I might throw a beanie baby to students who can share and then decide who to throw it to next.
4. Quick evaluation: distribute definitions (I took ideas from Wikipedia) and students write type of community and underline evidence
Day 2: Mi Pueblo
I used the song and interview shared on Zambombazo as a way to interpret how the musical group sees their community.
I share examples of some OPI interviews (Pinterest )
Students make their own video describing their own town. I will use this to give feedback for performance level, but won't yet grade it. I considered doing this on Flipgrid to share with a partner school, but I have have our neighboring school who will potentially be sharing and it didn't seem for interesting since we live in the same communities. Maybe it would be since they are new faces.
Day 3: Trafico en Venezuela (individually on computer)
1. Introduction to Problem
~Traffic video via Edpuzzle
~Pictures and "T/F quiz"
2. Solution
~"quiz" (on the document above)
3. Evaluation
Make a visual representation and describe on Flipgrid...see ours!

1. Vendedores Ambulantes

~Color pics: students work with a new partner and teacher distributes color pics. rotate the pictures each round
round 1: I spy
round 2: ask 3 Yes/No questions to find out which object your partner is thinking of
round 3: work collaboratively to identify 20 things
2. Song (use WS)
~listen and write #s to put in order
~assign a stanza to partners to visually represent and share out
3. Evaluation: comprehension questions
(In the future, I may tweak to use this video)
Day 5: Sin Techo
1. Personas
~see some pictures to set goal for day
~distribute words (I chose some I think they need for the lesson: debajo, detras, fijarse, tener miedo, abandonado, callejon, sonar, hambre, etc) and students have to think of an association with homeless. then they walk and share ideas with classmates (I put the words on brown paper and crinkled them!)
~read article from Wikipedia and discuss the who, why, where, etc
2. Cancion
We use the Juanes song "La Historia de Juan" to discuss this situation. We did a little grammar discussion about pronouns as well.
Day 6: Pobreza
"Investigar individual"
~Quizizz: Hacer clic en join.quizizz.com, Entra el numero: 790109
~Visit a barrio in Mexico and write what you see (note: I chose this barrio to prepare them for the macromural in the neighboring barrio)
~Music video (I made a worksheet asking about the community, the funding for the party)
Class conversation
~I did the same thing as Quizizz in Kahoot after to let me pause and provide more insight
~Review ideas from google maps and the video
Day 7: Violencia
1. Revisit Flipgrid to self-evaluate. I learned this a ACTFL 17 and got some insight on Twitter after. The students told me after that they enjoyed it. I did preface it saying it might be painful to listen to themselves.
2. Violencia
~Music video w graphic organizer
~Lyrics analysis: choose one of sections and make a video (to be evaluated)

1. Museum:
We were able to find pictures from the art exposition (referring to the article they'll read this class) and posted them in the hallway and students "chatted" about what they saw.
Partners needed to form questions to ask the "expert" (that was me)
2. Article and reading IPA
Day 9: Grafiti and Murales
1. Arte en la comunidad
~we reviewed article and information about Art Exbition
~role play: distribute grafiti: one student positive perspective and other negative: chat for 2 minutes
pass picture to different group, trade roles and repeat
change to murals and repeat 2 more rounds
2. comparisions:
graffiti: big paper, divide in 4 sections: locacion, meta, impacto, "artistas"
groups write 1 idea in each category and rotate to different paper, add another idea each category and rotate again...continue until back home
report out & start talking about murals
use back paper and groups make Venn diagram to compare and contrast
3. Evaluation: minute chat
Day 10: Macromural
1. Revisit google maps & role play: one person interview the person who "lives" there. trade roles and repeat
2. take them down to neigboring barrio and ask them to chat with parnter about what they see
3. listening IPA based on video (I might change the first option on choices)
4. As they finish, I give them a post-it note and have them write a question they have about this community project
5. We stand in circle and I toss a ball of twine (holding on to one end) and that person makes a statement, comment, observation or asks a question about the macromural (I answer questions if I can or provide more insight or ask the class questions) and that student holds a piece of twine and tosses the rest to different student. At the end we talk about how the twine connects us and the project connected the community
Day 11: Impact on community
1. article: read to be prepared to answer the questions on the post-it notes from last class
2. stand with groups: teacher pose question, groups have 20 seconds to prepare idea, toss beanie baby to victim to respond. (I needed to review the questions first to make sure we could answer based on article or inference)
3. social media: there are pictures on instagram (I wanted to view the murals that you can see inside the community) and look at this brand new music video! What's that do for the community!?!
4. Make own visual (they can color!!) collect for next class evaluation (I have templates on Pinterest)
Note: Somewhere in here I was able to have guest speakers. We had 4 speakers in one class, 5 in another and 6 in another! It was great, they simply came to tell us what their community was like. I encouraged students to ask questions, but they were nervous. They reflected the following class about what they learned, what was easy, hard, etc.
Day 12: Evaluation 1
Introduce plan for two days. They may prepare ideas and do some preparations for the presentational writing for the next class. Both evaluations are reference free although they can look up anything ahead of time.
1. practice speaking: use their mural to video record, then transcribe, reflect, ect before real
2. final speaking: we did a flipgrid to say thank you to our speakers. I gave 4 ideas ;and they had to speak about 3. I also limited the time because I want to share the link with our guests! Talk about an authentic audience!
Day 13: Evaluation 2
Writing task: I shared the prompt in my description at top of blog. Their ideas were great. I had given them some ideas when I introduced the task. I felt that perhaps an authentic audience and real task made the quality better. I have a student who is Intermediate Low in this class on a good day. He often produces and relies on Novice High. However, in this performance task, he wrote solid Intermediate Low and I was impressed with his quantity and quality.
Overall reflection:
Student reflections varied in the cultural aspects they liked. They all liked having the guest speakers in! This is truly what I was nervous about as I didn't know if they'd pay them full attention, I didn't know if the speakers would share content linking to our unit, I didn't know if they'd be comprehensible. That 5th C is always my hardest and Community was a win for this unit!
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