Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Goal Setting & Reflecting

I want my students to 

  • know that I set daily targets each day so that our lessons have a purpose.
  • reflect on their own learning towards that goal.
  • set their own goals for the class and share those goals with me.
  • evaluate their own efforts in class.
  • create a plan or action steps to meet that goal and I want to hold them accountable to reflect on that.
  • let me know what works and doesn't work in my class so I can plan accordingly.  

Therefore, I created a daily "participation" form. 

I enjoy reading their responses.  These are all different students...varying levels and motivation...but I feel I'm connected with them!

I don't put it in the gradebook.  I simply review them, comment on them and keep that information as "intel" that I'm gathering!

I put the papers on the front table and they grab them as they come in.  Sometimes, they sheeply walk up to me to say they forgot to turn them in so I just quickly review it.  (Do they think it goes in the gradebook?...I won't tell them any differently if they haven't figured it out on their own)

Here's my form if you'd like to use it. 
We use modified versions at the lower levels.  Rate yourself from the 3 faces:  😄😐😞
These correspond with Intermediate characteristics.

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