Friday, November 3, 2017

Unit: Tradiciones Familiares

Our level 5 is tied to a textbook, but we have the power to add/subtract/modify to meet our needs.  I'm very thankful for that.  I really don't like using a textbook, but can appreciate the need to find a common way to tie multiple schools together.  I also believe that textbooks were designed for teachers and schools to use the parts that fit their needs, NOT to do every activity in their.  They are speaking to a national audience and populations vary immensely across the nation.
To take advantage of Day of the Dead, I changed the order and decided to squeeze in more culture with unit 4. I shifted the focus to family traditions.

I will absolutely change this next time to dig deeper into Day of the Dead.  My first few classes focused on the perception of "family" but I think my students brought in that knowledge. But I'm really happy with my learning goal:  Interview someone to exchange information about family.  I can usually talk in various time frames.  (I'm going to have them make ofrendas and ask each other questions).

Unit Foundational Pieces:

Day 1:  La Familia Hispana
Day 2:  La Familia Moderna (discuss changes that have happened from latino perspective)
Day 3: Familia Americana (opportunity for Ss to do practice presentational speaking and get feedback)
Day 4: Role of Family
Day 5: Corto: El Paletero
Day 6: Introduce Day of the Dead
Day 7: Arte: Jose Guadalupe Posada
Day 8: Day of the Dead (stations)
Day 9 & 10: work day on ofrendas with modeling clay
Day 11: Self-reflection, Interview Day and on-demand writing

Highlights of aspects because I think some of these could go in a unit with a different viewpoint since I'll be changing now:

Day 1:
Characteristics & Changes of Hispanic Family:
WS:  family tree, "song" with listening IPA practice
I like this because we keep reminding them that "intermediate level" means that learners can identify the main idea and supporting details
Kahoot or Quizizz

Day 2:
Revisit article from Day 1
watch video to discuss changes
try to identify what is different about families today (ex:  they don't spend time together bc work, sports, technology).  Give 1 to get 1

Day 3: Familia Americana (opportunity for Ss to do practice presentational speaking and get feedback)
Watch videos to compare
play Quizlet live to gain ideas for interview questions
Create video  1. write 3 Qs to ask your parnter   2. interview your partner and teacher will review so you know if on-target or not
(also...if you want a reading assessment for that article I've now used 2x)

Day 4: Role of Family
I have about 4 children's books and they do a jigsaw type of activity.
I have them divide from their "home" group and go to a a new one to gain insight they'll later share with "home" group.
At new group: choose a "teacher"  who reads their assigned book to the group and then asks question that I taped to back of book.  If answer is correct or appropriate, give them a foil star!
Video and assessment 

Day 5: Corto: El Paletero
watch and discuss traditions.
cultural comparison!

Day 6: Introduce Day of the Dead
Halloween questions
Fiesta Americana:  menti (I asked for 3 things they associate with this holiday), speed dating (I reminded our unit goals to ask & answer questions, including follow-up Qs)
Fiesta Hispana:  first 16 minutes of The Book of Life, menti (I asked for 3 things they associate with this holiday), group discussion
Closure:  T/F

Day 7: Arte: Jose Guadalupe Posada
warm-up "reading" based
listen and discuss song
walk to "museum" (I took a bunch of his work and blew it up and hung it in the hallway) and students can practice asking/answering Qs, giving opionis, asking follow-up Qs
reading eval
make finger-print calaveras

Day 8: Day of the Dead (stations)
calacas / calaveras

Day 9 & 10: work day on ofrendas with modeling clay

Day 11: Self-reflection, Interview Day and on-demand writing

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