Let me also tell you that Kara Jacobs has a great unit that could be used for this simliar theme connecting to the AP theme Belleza y Estetica. She's got free stuff to use...I wanted to use her ideas but have other themes to touch upon so time doesn't allow.
Overview of topics (#authres that is the foundation of that block)
1. Personal Description (videos: Karla y Carlos because of the vocab that will support upcoming days)
2. Belleza del Mundo (articulo con visuales despues)
3. Pelo Malo (video: entrevistas en la calle, libro infantil)
4. Frida Kahlo 1 (video, self-portraits)
5. Frida Kahlo 2 (video, blog comments from blog post)
6. Imperfecto (audio self-descriptions Maria y Beatriz; Esteman cancion y video De Otro Planeta)
7. Interior with PACE model approach to intro "lo que" (song Brillarás, memes using lo que referring to person's interior)
8. Soy Unico (Target spot, song)
9. Soy Yo (video & song)
10. Work Day (Thanks for inspiration and directions, Krisy Placido!!!!)
11. Work Day
12. Work Day
Unit Resources
music playlist
choice homework
Pinterest board
Essential Questions:
- ¿Cómo te describes?
- ¿Cómo describes belleza?
- ¿Cómo se ve en la cultura hispana?
So every day I attempt to set up my planning in 4 sections.
a. administrivia (attendance, participation sheets where they copy the daily target, warm-up, frases, homework turn-in, etc)
When the bell rings, I remind them the timer is starting and they have 7 minutes (it will probably be 10 minutes before I am addressing the class as a whole because of logistics). They are to be copying down the target of the lesson, doing their warm-up which is almost always a hook to the lesson (I try to include directions on the sheet so I don't lose time) and I walk around letting students respond to the question of the day for "frase puntos" (it may be an essential question or a hook to the lesson)
b. topic 1
c. topic 2
d. evaluation (though often just closure...but that word on my agenda makes them think their closure is an evaluation and they seem to be concerned about doing their best!)
(note that my first couple of classes to have intentional use of acquiring the word rizado as it will be part of the upcoming culture)
1. Personal Description
a. admin: frases: ¿Cómo te describes?
b. Descripcion Personal / Introducciones
1: physical descript: twiccionario
c. Preguntar (also to remind them to set goals as asking questions is an intermediate characteristic):
a: roll die and have them take turns asking questions (1: who, 2: what, 3: where, etc) example: Who is your best friend? or W whom do you live / hang out? How do you go to school?
b: play guess who? (there's tons of visuals out there....just image search: guess who for spanish class)
d. Evaluation (I just made a quick exit ticket to check some ideas from class)
2. Belleza del Mundo
a. admin: frases: ¿Que consideras ser una caracteristica de belleza?
warm-up: I used this...but you could put a row of stick figures w/o hair in a row and made a list of sentences which students had to draw the hair. ex: el cabello lacio de la nina es largo. el muchacho mas alto tiene pelo rizado y corto. el chico a la derecha de la nina es sin pelo. etc....making sure to use different forms of curly (rizos, rizado)
b. caracteristicas mundiales: do a sort, go over, partners then describe pics with more details (intermediate quality with lots of details!)
c. belleza del mundo: do a reading IPA articulo/ comprehension guide with a partner; go over
d. Evaluation: maybe post some pictures that support the article and students walk around and comment on the pictures with stickies

a. admin:
frases: (I can't remember!)
warm-up: I made 10 questions to accompany information gleaned from thinglink (note: I made this to foreshadow the upcoming lessons)
b. Perspectivas Culturales de Belleza:
1 discuss the pictures from thinglink and discuss her indigenous influence with a new picture
2. discuss quote (I don't know which #authres I got from....but I think from Sulma Arzu-Brown) to determine what those aspects are:
"en nuestra cultura hay muy poca apreciacion por la belleza que no queda en la definicion"
3. individually watch video and complete IPA
c. Cambios Culturales: read libro infantil in groups (I bought 3 for my class); discuss questions; do a mingle for tic-tac-toe competition
d. Evaluation: answer all questions on tic-tac-toe
4. Frida Kahlo intro
a. admin:
frases: Quien es Frida Kahlo? (I know they learned a little last year, and last class)
b. Frida Kahlo y Mensaje de Frida (students work individually on Schoology today)
video and comprehension questions
view self-portraits with descriptions and determine the correct descriptions
do a questionnaire / true-false / multiple choice comprehension check
participate in a "chat": form 3 questions and respond to classmates
c. Evaluation: form a quality question on flipgrid
5. Frida Kahlo 2 (video, blog comments from blog post)
5. Frida Kahlo
a. admin:
warm-up: respond to someone from a different class on flipgrid
frases: que piensas de las obras de Frida?
b. Frida: (also an individual work day)
optional resource: Frida's last photos
optional resource: Citas famosas por Frida (I chose 5 that I thought were ones my students could connect to)
we used Kristy Placido's post with Gavin Aun Than's cartoon and made some questions and CI statements to engage
I used textivate (sorry if my link doesn't work....this is our first time with textivate so not sure if I have it public) to make a bunch of activities to practice using the text that a blog commenter said:
Frida fue una gran artista, una mujer de la posmodernidad. La belleza de sus obras trasciende el tiempo y no importa lo que digan de su belleza física, que si era fea o bonita. Ella fue una mujer ejemplar. Aunque vivió muy poco tiempo su vida fue llena. Era un gran ejemplo para todos nosotros porque superó la adversidad y pudo capturar su vida llena de color a pesar del dolor que sufrió a lo largo de su vida.
c. Evaluation: Written Evaluation: choose one of the sentences from the textivate article about Frida Kahlo and explain to what it refers. Give examples that you can think of to support your explanation.
6. Imperfecto
I feel I need to tweak this one...how to connect to Frida Kahlo's imperfections?
a. admin:
warm-up: I used Zambombazo visuals and tweaked with CI
frases: Cual imperfeccion tienes?
b. Calidades y Defectos: audio self-descriptions Maria y Beatriz;
c. Ser Imperfecto: Esteman video De Otro Planeta to comment on his "imperfections" and then listen to his song for evidence (I gave printed out lyrics)
d. Evaluation: TBD: maybe a minuto de charla with video / lyrics

a. admin:
warm-up: describe lo que ves y lo que significa en el visual
frases: Describe lo que te hace especial
b. Brillar:
1 groups make associations, report out and teacher follow up with lo que (una sonrisa es lo que ilumina la cara)
2 use Brillarás and make a cloze WS with the vocab que will help with "lo que" (amor, confia, fe, fuego, llama, razon, sueno, voz)
3 review and discuss meaning (what lives in each person)
4 copy sentences from board:
___ es lo que vive en cada persona
___ es lo que motiva a una persona
___ es lo que no te deja parar
___ es lo que quema adentro
give word bank: pasion, sueno, motivacion, fe, dedicacion)
review and note the abstract idea of "lo que"
c. Interior
view memes (I've added more) posted around room to see "lo que" in use and discuss with partner
d. Evaluation: TBD: I'm considering doing flipgrid and each student picks up a different sign and reads it and completes it such as: lo que me gusta, lo que me define, lo que me controla, lo que me importa, etc)
8. Soy Unico

warm-up: describe pic
frases: Como se define belleza
b. Ser Individual
orally translate and finish with your partner:
what makes me happy is...
what I like to do is...
what I do in my free time is...
what motivates me is...
give lyrics with errors from this song (this is easy to listen to so I see this as a doable task though I've not done it yet!) and then do some discussion to connect it to being an individual
maybe a personal connection to converse with groups: how do you compare to the artist? how not?
c. Target Campaign (note: this is a pre-view for more in-depth study the next class) Target spot
read (see below) & watch vids then complete activities (mine do on schoology)
d. Evaluation: presentational speaking vid for practice about who I am and how I'm defined / different (use rubric for feedback, but not grade)
Target estrena la campaña Lúcete a tu manera protagonizada por Gaby Espino, Rita Moreno, Dulce Candy, Heidy De la Rosa. El anuncio muestra las mujeres bailando mientras llevan puesto el maquillaje, vestidos y ropa deportiva de Target.
La campaña busca celebrar el estilo de los consumidores hispanos. El mensaje de "Lúcete a tu manera" sirve para que todas las mujeres no tengan miedo de mostrarse como son y de hacer lo que realmente las hace felices. "Las latinas tenemos nuestras curvas, nuestra forma de bailar, hablar, y tenemos que estar orgullosas de nuestras costumbres y facciones” dijo Gaby Espino.
9. Soy Yo
note: this is a plan, not finished making!
a. admin:
warm-up: visit flipgrid from 2 classes ago, watch & respond with your own ending to a few vids
b. Ser Unico
positive or negative?
watch song video and discuss her personality, attitude, etc
c. Cancion
make a cloze
make textivate for lyrics that are comprehensible +1
d. Evaluation: maybe interpersonal discussion: is the vid appropriate for the song; opinion of the song / video, favorite line in the song
10. Work Day (rough draft due at end of block)
intro project (this could be a writing or a speaking or both and this is not my updated rubric)
students take the day to plan as rough drafts due end of block and then may work on the visual
11. Work Day: Thanks for inspiration and directions, Krisy Placido!!!!)
12. Work Day: they get so into this that I was happy to give them a 2nd day.
Project due by next class
I am a big fan of your blog! This looks really exciting, and I plan to share it with my HS Spanish colleagues. One idea: have considered reordering your daily lessons to b, a, c, d (eg reverse a & b)? I have been learning about brain-based teaching and how students are most primed for input at the start of the lesson, so I've moved my administrativia to the 2nd time slot (so-called "downtime"); then I do a brain break after admin stuff to get them ready for "c" (2nd "prime time" slot). You can read about it here http://musicuentos.com/2013/09/lessonplan/and see a lesson plan template here http://musicuentos.com/2016/03/primacy-template/ . I look forward to reading your future posts, Melanie!