I am still very happy with my level 5 intro unit, but as we do, had some areas I wanted to improve in. So using my unit, I think the big changes were to "pelo malo" and Frida Kahlo.
1. We wanted to spend more time actually talking about Pelo Malo so we could try to get to perspectives...this is always a work in progress, right? Identifying products and practices is fairly easy (not for all in the target language!)
a. To better prepare, we changed the "world beauty" article to focus on African influences. I did take this article and (eek!) altered it to make a (practice) interpretive article! It's too long for my goal. I want them reading authentic, but I don't want to overwhelm them and I want to stay true to my goals.
Follow up to cultural insight:
I wanted to use Radio Ambulante's Podcast Miss Rizos so I made a guide for students. They could get the vocabulary, but we had to really talk about their interpretation of the message.
2. To extend Frida Kahlo to go deeper to connect to our goal (make a Frida-inspired self portrait)

intro with this book
To connect to my goal, "reading" was really doing picture talk so I could stress and highlight certain events and vocabulary.
After, I pause and ask students for comments, questions and opinions. If I wait it out, they will share and I love this! I get so excited, give them points and guess what....more students share!!!
(Thanks for the point system, La Maestra Loca!)
Then I let them do some interacting on their own with Frida and her work before we come back as whole class. (This was part of my orig plan).
Whole class: I put up all the pictures that were on Schoology and then randomly pass out sentence starters.
(I love this idea to get students speaking by scaffolding and building success and holding all students accountable to add to class discussion)
Students use their card when they want to volunteer and form a sentence, allowing me to provide MORE INPUT and seeking more student engagement. I gather soooo much insight about what they have learned and what their production is.
We end with quick evaluation: Describe what influences identify influences on Frida Kahlo and her work

I didn't do this but next year!!!! I'm going to provide Frida photos and artwork a la Sarah Breckley
Then go to the Frida Museum
a. walk and complete guide
b. whole class meet with the "museum guide" and discuss each section
What wonderful resources!!! Love the ideas! ¡Muchas gracias!