Monday, December 31, 2018

Viva El Toro

Our second unit of the year for 10th grade is a reader and our goal is an interpersonal assessment.  We read Blaine Ray's Viva el Toro (and hopefully we'll get the new edition next year!). This unit has definitely shifted and grown as we've incorporated IPAs to be our structure for a unit.  There are so many fantastic authentic resources that support bullfighting and I'm sure that we'll include more in the future.  We wanted to structure this similar to a Socratic Seminar in which students referenced different resources to link them together.  We set our goal for Intermediate Low and try to model and encourage effective communicative skills throughout the lesson and also focused on asking questions on a regular basis.  We set daily learning targets and try to hold the students accountable each day with closure in regards to that goal. 


Day 1:  INTRO

1. Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Cuál evento consideras muy americano?
b.      Meta: Reconocer personajes y vocabulario del libro
c.       Entrada:  translate question words
d.      Review unit 1: goal & vocab list

 2. Personajes  
                  a. Tea Party: Walk and talk and note  
b. People map (see picture) students report out to make connections / relations  
c.  Points opportunity: Comments, opinions, questions, connections (can they relate to other books???)
3. Vocabulary:  
        a.       List (we made a basic, high frequency list) 
        b.      Calligram (to create a word wall to use as support during the book)

Day 2:  Chapter 1 (pp. 1-5)
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Tienes experiencia con leer un libro en español?
b.      Meta: Preguntar y responder sobre información factual del libro
c.       Entrada:  review characters (descriptions in Spanish and write name)
2.      Introducción
a.       Character review
b.      Determine book overview (title, locations, characters, problem)
3.      Chapter 1
a.       Guided reading and whiteboards
                                                              i.      Paragraph 1:  3, 2, 1 (3 cultural elements, 2 locations, 1 emotion
                                                            ii.      Paragraph 2: venn diagram Sevilla vs LA
                                                          iii.      Paragraph 3: draw to show details
                                                          iv.      Paragraph 4: draw 3 emojis that represent Spain
                                                            v.      Page 4:  divide board in 2 sections:  draw 2 sentences (trade and write)
                                                          vi.      Page 5: one positive and one negative
4.      Eval:  write 3-5 questions about the book (don’t write answers)

Day 3:  Spain & Chapter 1 (pp. 5-7)
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Describe un personaje
b.      Meta: Identifica los visuales españoles
c.       Entrada:  answer questions of a classmate from last class
2.      España
a.       Map talk:  T ask Qs about Spain and Sevilla
b.      Sevilla 360:  Ss watch and take notes and after T call on all ss and write on board  
3.      Chapter 1 pp. 5-7
a.       Read with nearpod
b.      Picture discussion (compare to US)  
4.      Eval:  ticket to leave:  identify 5 things in the picture

Day 4:  Toros & Chapter 1 (pp. 8-9)
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Describe una actividad que consideras “americano”
b.      Meta: Identifica aspectos positivos y negativos del toreo
c.       Entrada:  Escribe 4 cosas que observas y la representación cultural 

2.      Toros
a.       Spanish icon (we got some pictures of  the bull serving as the Spanish icon to CI talk)
b.      Stuffies (I have a collection of NUMEROUS souvenirs and I can CI talk size, color, etc)
c.       Ideas from Senora Dentlinger:  label WS, pin the horns, TF 
3.      Chapter 1 pp.. 8-9
a.       Guided reading and T ask questions
b.      Sort Ana Silva vs Family  
4.      Eval:    Identifica aspectos positivos y negativos del toreo

DAY 5:  typical house; pp. 10-13 (NOT DONE BC we SKIPPED)

Day 6:  Chapter 2
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Qué es un toro?
b.      Meta: Describe aspectos culturales del libro
c.       Entrada:
5-¿Cómo se llama los miembros de la familia de los  de Marco?
4-¿Qué vio Ana en  Sevilla?
3- ¿Por qué no le gusta las corridas de toro?
2- ¿Por qué está Ana en España?
1- ¿De dónde es Ana?

2.      Culture CI: 
a.       partners ask ¿? (answers on word bubble)  

b.      give a set of pics to each group (6 pics per group) and when T describes, raise appropriate pic
                                                              i.      Colegio:  walk & School times
                                                            ii.      Lunch time / cafecteria picture
                                                          iii.      Bocadillo
                                                          iv.      Churro
                                                            v.      Tapas
                                                          vi.      Miguel de Cervantes:  author (Shakespear comparison)
c.       teacher talk & Ss raise and do circling (Cynthia PPT to support)
3.      Chapter 2
a.     Read chap2 in groups and complete Venn Diagram (use for eval)
b.     Partner A/B:  T/F
4.      Eval:  TBD:  minute chat & give feedback!

Day 7:  El Matador; Cultural Themes
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Adónde has ido con boletos?
b.      Meta: Describe elementos españoles con detalles
c.       Entrada:  Write 4 “fact” questions about the book so far
d.      Take turns with neighbor asking and answering the questions. Pick a few students to ask a question to class
2.      El Matador  
a.      Show screen shots, give input
b.      watch video
c.       pic the pic: have 2 pics on board as choice, teacher describes, students decide ninguno/ambos/izquierda/derecho
d.      vocab check
3.      Evaluation for a grade:  choose  5 themes and make a “strip book”  each strip gets theme / visual and when open strip, students describe in detail the cultural element
(TIME, GREETINGS, SIGHTS, GEOGRAPHY, FOOD, BULLFIGHT, SCHOOL)  (Note:  we are TRYING to do standards based grading but still work in a percentage based school…so we modify!) 

Day 8:  Chapter 3
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Describe una plaza de toros
b.      Meta: Identifica las actividades, reacciones y eventos del cap 3
c.       Entrada:  Piensa en una corrida de toros.  Escribe 3 ideas positivas, 3 ideas negativas
2.      Corrida
a.       Call on Ss to write on front board (+ or -) from warm-up
b.      Points opportunity: Comments, opinions, questions, connections
3.      Chapter 3 pp 20-22:  Guided reading and whiteboards
4.      Chapter 3 pp 23-27:  groups read
5.      Eval:  WS

Day 9:  Bullfighting Expo
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Describe algo que ocurre a una corrida de toros
b.      Meta: Preguntar y responder sobre información factual del libro
c.       Entrada:  draw onWS  (the front screen has pics but not in correct order)

2.      Objetos
a.       Vocab review on board
b.      Quizlet learn  
c.       Quizlet live
3.      Espectaculo
a.       Actors  
4.      Eval:  back WS

Day 10:  Chapter 4 (day 1)
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Describe uno de los toreros
b.      Meta: Describe los eventos de capitulo 4
c.       Entrada:  Quizlet learn  
2.      Quizlet live
3.      Chapter 4:  read pp 28 – 31 and draw a pic for each page
4.      Eval:  describe each pic

Day 11:  Chapter 4 (day 2)
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Describe uno de los toreros
b.      Meta: Describe los eventos de capitulo 4
c.       Entrada:  Quizlet learn  
2.      Running dictations
a.       Todos movían pañuelos en el aire. Todos estaban emocionados.
b.      Le parecía horrible la idea de matar un animal en tiempo modernos.
c.       Era elegante, redonda y muy grande con muchos asientos.
d.      Todos los hombres de la corrida son toreros.
3.      Chapter 4:  read pp 32 – 35 and draw a pic for each page
4.      Class discussion regarding emotions
5.      Eval:  describe each pic

Day 12:  Art
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Describe la importancia de taurino en la cultura
b.      Meta: Identifica la importancia de taurino en arte
c.       Entrada:  Corta los toros en rectángulos iguales  
2.      Artistas
a.       Picasso:  Flipbook vid CI talk 
b.      Antonio Banderas:  movie talk 
3.      Arte
a.       WS for Art museum walk 
b.      Card talk hand out sentence strips (aka sentence starters) and students form their sentence when ready
4.      Eval:  glyph on back WS

Day 13:  Bullfighting Controversy (day 1)
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Es un deporte correcto?
b.      Meta: Identifica los pros y los contras de taurino
c.       Entrada:  ¿qué significan los visuales? 

2.      Controversia
a.       Reading IPA  (we made based on Carrie Toth reading)
b.     Positivas y Negativas: 
                                                              i.      Distribute construction paper to groups
                                                            ii.      groups brainstorm 4 pros/cons and share out
3.      Perspectivos
a.       Video:  BloodBrothers Watch (13 minutes in English)
b.      Points opportunity: Comments, opinions, questions, connections
c.       CI:  listen to teacher comments and decide if brother says or not (thumbs up / thumbs down)
4.      Eval:  TBD

Day 14:  Bullfighting Controversy (day 2)
We need to add this day! 
See twitter
Do practice conversation to encourage 

Day 15:  Chapter 5
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Por qué piensa el matador que la corrida de toros es importante?
b.      Meta: Forma tipos diferentes de preguntas sobre capítulo 5
c.       Entrada:  whiteboards:  Escribe cual persona dice cada idea:
(matador, persona pro, persona contra)
El toro es muy valiente y me puede matar.
La corrida es una forma de arte.
Es peligroso, pero me gusta estar en peligro.
El toro es inocente.
Es tortura para el toro.
La corrida es parte de la historia de España.
Preparar para la corrida es mi vida.
El toro tiene una buena vida antes de la corrida.
El toro nunca puede ganar
2.      Chapter 5: T read and pose answer for different paragraphs and Ss write the question (jeopardy style)
3.      Eval:  TBD

Day 16:  Chapter 6 / flippity
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Qué predicción tienes tú para Ana?
b.      Meta: Pregunta y responde sobre el libro
c.       Entrada:  art pics
2.      Chapter 6: read and ½ WS
3.      Juego:  Groups:  1 computer & whiteboards
4.      Eval:  TBD

Day 17:  Chapters 7 
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: Elabora en la frase final de capítulo 6:  Sólo podía pensar en Julio Barquero
b.      Meta:   Describe los eventos del capitulo 7
c.       Entrada:  unscramble sentences
antes / boletos / Compraron / del / evento / sus
fanáticos / hacían / Los / mucho / ruido
cerca / del / estadio / hombre / refrescos / Un / vendía
decirle / Individuos / opiniones / querían / sus
2.      Cultural Video (still haven’t found the one we love!)
a.       Watch
b.      IPA ws (this needs to be done because I don't like the one we did before!)
3.      Chapter 7
a.       Read alone
b.      WS
4.      Eval:  write 5 Qs

Day 18:  Chapters 8
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: En tu opinión ¿Qué va a ocurrir en la cita con Ana y Julio?
b.      Meta: Compara las 2 corridas
c.       Entrada:  write sentences in correct order
•Ana se sentía confundida porque no quería ofender a Julio.
•Él llevó a Ana a la corrida de toros.
•Estaba enojado porque –los idiotas perdieron los boletos.—
•Julio le dijo que su padre era un matador.
•Los dos fueron al estadio de futbol
2.      Chapter 8
a.       T read & whiteboards
3.      Preguntas
a.       5 volunteers (toro, familia, Ana, Julio, matador)
b.      Pass out question cards
c.       Students ask questions based on question stem card
(T clarify: not simple factual Qs, but good thinking…When do you plan to go out again?  How do you feel when you take an innocent life? Who wants to go visit Ana in US?)
4.      Eval:  Venn:  Compara las 2 corridas

Day 19:  Canción:  Torero por Chayanne
1.      Admin
a.       Frases: ¿Qué es tu opinión del libro?
b.      Meta: Describe la relevancia cultural de la canción
c.       Entrada:  cultural sentences
2.      Canción
a.       Listen 1x and write what hear on whiteboards
b.      Partner compare
c.       Listen 2x to add
d.      T call on all students to report out and write on board
e.       Listen 3 x to try to add 5 more!!
f.        Volunteers? 
g.      Pass out song cards to every student (the first page is the teacher key)
h.      Listen and raise card when hear
i.        Switch cards and repeat 2x
3.      Analisis
a.       Pass out big paper and put Ss in groups & Copy categories

b.      Write 5 ideas/connections in each category
c.       Call on groups to report out and add what don’t have to get 7 ideas in each category
4.      Eval:  Describe la relevancia cultural de la canción

Day 20-21:  Movie Ferdinand (reward)

Day 22:  Reflection / Prep Day  

Day 23:  Socractic Seminar / Writing on demand
Socratic Seminar:  We randomly put them in groups of 3 and had them do 3 videos on Flipgrid:
1. Choose a cultural theme to discuss:
food, school, environment (geography/physical setting/community), bullfighting event, bullfighter, toro, religion, greetings, opinions of bullfighting
2. In your group, discuss the topic MAKING REFERENCE to different authentic materials from class lessons. 
Be respectful of 5 min time limit so everyone can participate in the discussion more than once.
If you are not visible on the camera to ensure you're not reading, your participation will not be evaluated.  

Writing on Demand: 
Task: Provide a feedback for the book “Viva el Toro”

There will be a new teacher teaching Spanish and she has not decided if she wants to use the book, “Viva el Toro.” Write a letter to the teacher providing your feedback. Your letter should be a least 3 paragraphs and may address some or all of the ideas below.

●The characters                                        ●Cultural aspects                             ●Controversial topics
Summary of the story                             ●Activities students can do          ●Your opinion

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