Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Goal Setting & Reflecting

I want my students to 

  • know that I set daily targets each day so that our lessons have a purpose.
  • reflect on their own learning towards that goal.
  • set their own goals for the class and share those goals with me.
  • evaluate their own efforts in class.
  • create a plan or action steps to meet that goal and I want to hold them accountable to reflect on that.
  • let me know what works and doesn't work in my class so I can plan accordingly.  

Therefore, I created a daily "participation" form. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Unit: Tradiciones Familiares

Our level 5 is tied to a textbook, but we have the power to add/subtract/modify to meet our needs.  I'm very thankful for that.  I really don't like using a textbook, but can appreciate the need to find a common way to tie multiple schools together.  I also believe that textbooks were designed for teachers and schools to use the parts that fit their needs, NOT to do every activity in their.  They are speaking to a national audience and populations vary immensely across the nation.
To take advantage of Day of the Dead, I changed the order and decided to squeeze in more culture with unit 4. I shifted the focus to family traditions.