y Medicina
We created this unit to fit into our “health”
unit. In order to have a cultural lead
that would engage students, we focused on the topic of “curanderos”. We knew that we would have access to #authres
to support this and that the topic would be interesting to students as they
learn something new. Our old way of
performing skits in the doctor’s office was not realistic for most of our
students nor was it an opportunity for them to feel like they were learning
anything more than simulated uses of Spanish.
Curanderismo is a topic in which they are willing to discuss because it’s
new and different to them.
If my links don't work, just contact me:!!!!!
Our learning target / summative performance piece:
I can interpret a piece of cultural artwork to answer
questions that describe the medical symptoms and remedies. I can compare products, practices, and
perspectives to my culture.
To break this down for the course of the unit, the teacher
needs to help the students
- ·describe symptoms (this means body part review)
- ·describe various remedies (this will be various types ranging from natural to traditional)
- ·determine the cultural components in art
- ·practice asking AND answering questions
If you do an image search for curanderos, you can find LOTS of pics. We found about 20, therefore we had some duplicates but we just made sure they didn't partner up at the end!
We’re aiming for Intermediate Low with encouragement for
Intermediate Mid characteristics. We share
2 important characteristics with students:
- ·I can ask simple questions
- ·I can use series of sentences
Daily plan (determined by backward design) We're on the block! 80 min every other day
- Unit intro / hook / review
- Symptoms and remedies
- Sicknesses in school
- Song: Estoy Mala by Pinturilla
- Movie Talk: Elevator Germs (intro subjunctive with focus on “possilibilty”)
- Movie Talk: work and output day
- Remedies (subjunctive focus)
- Homeopathic options (preparation for curanderos)
- Song: TOC TOC byMacaco
- Curanderos: intro (Carmen Lomas Garza)
- Curanderos: song: La Curandera by Elastic Bond
- Curanderos: reading (interpretive IPA)
- Socratic Seminar
- Intro project and prepare
- Project presentations & on-demand writing (interpersonal & presentational IPA)
Also...we decided to do one weekly homework assignment. Simply answer the weekly prompt on Flipgrid by speaking for one minute. We varied this, sometimes connecting to real life (what are your plans for break) and sometimes the unit (what type of sickness causes you to not got to school)
Daily Plans: I should
point out that this is a unit where I’ve been working on deskless!
Note: we played “Simon
dice” the class before as an end of class game (nice planning on my part,
Day 1: Unit intro
1. Administrivia
Puedo: describir varios
problemas físicos del paciente y soluciones posiles
Entrada: On whiteboards: Dibuja una persona, escribe 10 partes del cuerpo en español.
Frases: ¿Cómo te sientes hoy físicamente?
2. Problema Thanks to Carrie Toth!!!! LOTS of input…writing on board, getting class involved. We made a first aid kit (I raided my children’s toys and went to nurse for lots of stuff like dfferent size bandaids) to help.
3. Evaluación: Dibuja el paciente. Describe sus problemas.
Entrada: On whiteboards: Dibuja una persona, escribe 10 partes del cuerpo en español.
Frases: ¿Cómo te sientes hoy físicamente?
2. Problema Thanks to Carrie Toth!!!! LOTS of input…writing on board, getting class involved. We made a first aid kit (I raided my children’s toys and went to nurse for lots of stuff like dfferent size bandaids) to help.
3. Evaluación: Dibuja el paciente. Describe sus problemas.
Day 2: Symptoms & Remedies
1. Administrivia
Puedo: reconocer varias enfermedades, sus síntomas y sus remedios
Entrada: nothing because this was a sub plan!!!!
Frases: sub
2. Vocabulario:
complete vocab list (we just picked out words we wanted on our vocab wall
that they may already know, will be used in this unit quite a bit and/or are
cognates) and then make a caligram1. Administrivia
Puedo: reconocer varias enfermedades, sus síntomas y sus remedios
Entrada: nothing because this was a sub plan!!!!
Frases: sub
2. Vocabulario:
3. Enfermedades: we use Schoology as our LMS, so we gave a few activities to practice such as read the illness and choose the most appropriate recommendation.
4. Evaluación: “quiz” ½ worksheet to serve as formative evaluation
Day 3: Sicknesses in school (fun scavenger hunt day!)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: explicar que ocurre cuando alguien está enfermo en la escuela
Entrada: envelopes to match parts of body with their functions (example: pulmones: respiran)
Frases: ¿Qué haces cuando no te sientes bien en la escuela?
2. Enfermedades
a. Use the cards from the entrada. Teacher uses first aid kit and gives input and students hold up their association (example: stethoscope….this could go with heart and lungs!)
b. skits: locations: (this is to prep for the scavenger hunt!) I gave groups a pre-written skit to say in front of class and the class had to determine where they were or were going (example: Student A: ¿Cómo estás? Detecto un problema. Student B: No me siento Student C: Y tu expresión de cara es mala. ¿Estás enfermo? Student B: Yo no sé. Me duele el estómago y tengo nausea. Student A: ¿Vas a vomitar? Que asco Student C: no!!!! Que desastre. Corre a un lugar privado The location could be baño or enfermera)
3. Enfermo en Escuela: Photo Scavenger Hunt
a. Read the list of possibile illnesses (We made about 10 options such as headache, stomachache, molar pain, mucus….some of these are connected to song in next class). Groups choose 5 and go in school to take pictures with students acting out problem at the place they associate…no repeat places!
(this could be done on Goosechase)
4. Evaluación: Print out pics and write 5 sentences (save them to use a different day!)
Day 4: Estoy Mala by Pinturilla
So perfect for 10th graders!!!
1. Administrivia
Puedo: explicar que ocurre en la canción con la chica enferma
Entrada: draw on whiteboard: caramelos, dientes, escalofríos, nariz, pulmones, receta
Frases: ¿Qué te impide de ir a la escuela?
2. Canción
a. Vocab: point to whiteboard with your associations (respirar, mocos, dentista, etc)
b. Lyrics raise (thanks to ) I divide up the lyrics, gave each student a line (we had repeated ones) written big on paper and listened to the song. When they hear their line, they raise if for class to see
c. Repeat lyrics raise with video
d. Associations: teacher give an idea that connects to a line and student who has raises it
3. Video
a. In silence..stop and ask qeustions (movie-talk style)
b. Watch all with sound
c. Kahoot
1. Administrivia
Puedo: explicar que ocurre cuando alguien está enfermo en la escuela
Entrada: envelopes to match parts of body with their functions (example: pulmones: respiran)
Frases: ¿Qué haces cuando no te sientes bien en la escuela?
2. Enfermedades
a. Use the cards from the entrada. Teacher uses first aid kit and gives input and students hold up their association (example: stethoscope….this could go with heart and lungs!)
b. skits: locations: (this is to prep for the scavenger hunt!) I gave groups a pre-written skit to say in front of class and the class had to determine where they were or were going (example: Student A: ¿Cómo estás? Detecto un problema. Student B: No me siento Student C: Y tu expresión de cara es mala. ¿Estás enfermo? Student B: Yo no sé. Me duele el estómago y tengo nausea. Student A: ¿Vas a vomitar? Que asco Student C: no!!!! Que desastre. Corre a un lugar privado The location could be baño or enfermera)
3. Enfermo en Escuela: Photo Scavenger Hunt
a. Read the list of possibile illnesses (We made about 10 options such as headache, stomachache, molar pain, mucus….some of these are connected to song in next class). Groups choose 5 and go in school to take pictures with students acting out problem at the place they associate…no repeat places!
(this could be done on Goosechase)
4. Evaluación: Print out pics and write 5 sentences (save them to use a different day!)
Day 4: Estoy Mala by Pinturilla
So perfect for 10th graders!!!
1. Administrivia
Puedo: explicar que ocurre en la canción con la chica enferma
Entrada: draw on whiteboard: caramelos, dientes, escalofríos, nariz, pulmones, receta
Frases: ¿Qué te impide de ir a la escuela?
2. Canción
a. Vocab: point to whiteboard with your associations (respirar, mocos, dentista, etc)
b. Lyrics raise (thanks to ) I divide up the lyrics, gave each student a line (we had repeated ones) written big on paper and listened to the song. When they hear their line, they raise if for class to see
c. Repeat lyrics raise with video
d. Associations: teacher give an idea that connects to a line and student who has raises it
3. Video
a. In silence..stop and ask qeustions (movie-talk style)
b. Watch all with sound
c. Kahoot
Writing eval: describe what
happens in the song. Explain the problem
with details and the solution.
Day 5: Movie Talk: Elevator Germs (intro subjunctive with focus on “possilibilty”)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: dar efectos POSIBLES usando gramatica apropriada
Entrada: Quizizz
Frases: ¿Qué es un efecto de gérmenes?
2. Enfoco Gramátical
a. Kahoot (same as quizizz….but teacher can note endings and sentence starters and possibilitiy)
b. Repeat kahoot
3. Video
a. Screen shots: state a fact and then ask students input about what is POSSIBLE or NECESSARY or IMPORTANT and write on front board focusing on opposite ending (not the formulaic intro! Just the idea that opposite ending means it might not happen. We bring in irregulars but don’t talk about how we got there!)
b. Video: pause and ask questions
c. Watch whole video
d. Put lines up with a blank and partners talk out appropriate word
4. Evaluación: “Quiz” WS in the style of multiple choice (to serve as formative eval)
Day 6: Movie Talk Output: Elevator Germs
1. Administrivia
Puedo: describir POSIBILIDADES y NECESIDADES en el video con gramática apropriada
Entrada: all in schoology
Frases: ¿Qué es posible o necesario en el video con Fabio?
2. Enfoco Gramatical (practice on schoology)
3. Texto Esencial
4. Evaluación: flipgrid to talk about 3 screenshots (we give 6 options and want to see if they can sustain IL over 3 descriptions)
Day 7: Remedies (subjunctive focus)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: dar remedio POSIBLE basado en enfermedad y síntomas
Entrada: we made some manipulatives to match symptoms and sickness
Frases: ¿Qué es necesario cuando tú estás enfermo?
2. Enfermedades: review warm-up and extend with more CI
3. Infografias (so many #authres for this unit!)
a. Gallery walk and teacher prompts what they need to write and then move to next
i. Sickness
ii. 3 symptoms
iii. 1 cause
iv. Advice
4. Evaluación: Read to write (this is prep for our state exam)
Day 8: Homeopathic options (preparation for song Toc Toc & for cultural study on curanderos)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: identificar opciones medicales
Frases: Diferente de un doctor, ¿cuál otro remedio es posible?
2. Opciones Medicales
a. Review Quizizz together
b. Repeat game
c. 4 corners:
i. give partners a paper and a game piece or some way to mark their choice
ii. teacher provide CI (example: salud mental) and students move to associated person
Day 5: Movie Talk: Elevator Germs (intro subjunctive with focus on “possilibilty”)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: dar efectos POSIBLES usando gramatica apropriada
Entrada: Quizizz
Frases: ¿Qué es un efecto de gérmenes?
2. Enfoco Gramátical
a. Kahoot (same as quizizz….but teacher can note endings and sentence starters and possibilitiy)
b. Repeat kahoot
3. Video
a. Screen shots: state a fact and then ask students input about what is POSSIBLE or NECESSARY or IMPORTANT and write on front board focusing on opposite ending (not the formulaic intro! Just the idea that opposite ending means it might not happen. We bring in irregulars but don’t talk about how we got there!)
b. Video: pause and ask questions
c. Watch whole video
d. Put lines up with a blank and partners talk out appropriate word
4. Evaluación: “Quiz” WS in the style of multiple choice (to serve as formative eval)
Day 6: Movie Talk Output: Elevator Germs
1. Administrivia
Puedo: describir POSIBILIDADES y NECESIDADES en el video con gramática apropriada
Entrada: all in schoology
Frases: ¿Qué es posible o necesario en el video con Fabio?
2. Enfoco Gramatical (practice on schoology)
3. Texto Esencial
4. Evaluación: flipgrid to talk about 3 screenshots (we give 6 options and want to see if they can sustain IL over 3 descriptions)
Day 7: Remedies (subjunctive focus)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: dar remedio POSIBLE basado en enfermedad y síntomas
Entrada: we made some manipulatives to match symptoms and sickness
Frases: ¿Qué es necesario cuando tú estás enfermo?
2. Enfermedades: review warm-up and extend with more CI
3. Infografias (so many #authres for this unit!)
a. Gallery walk and teacher prompts what they need to write and then move to next
i. Sickness
ii. 3 symptoms
iii. 1 cause
iv. Advice
4. Evaluación: Read to write (this is prep for our state exam)
Day 8: Homeopathic options (preparation for song Toc Toc & for cultural study on curanderos)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: identificar opciones medicales
Frases: Diferente de un doctor, ¿cuál otro remedio es posible?
2. Opciones Medicales
a. Review Quizizz together
b. Repeat game
c. 4 corners:
i. give partners a paper and a game piece or some way to mark their choice
ii. teacher provide CI (example: salud mental) and students move to associated person
d. Venn as class: remedies homeopatía vs tratamientos convencionales
3. Evaluación: thanks again to Carrie Toth! I made and “practice” or formative interpretive assessment based on her reading.
Day 9: Song: TOC TOC by Macaco
They are still asking to hear this song weeks later!!!!!!
1. Administrivia
Puedo: describir recomendaciones POSIBLES para la enfermedad en la canción
Entrada: On Schoology (our LMS) we put a “quiz” based on a lot of tweets regarding #aceiteesencial Some were vocabulary based, some true/false, some multiple choice about the message.
Frases: ¿Qué es un uso posible de aceites esenciales?
2. Vocabulario
3. Canción
a. Listen and put the lines in order
b. Teacher use CI (comprehensible input) to review for ¿Cuál línea?:
i. In section 1: El sonido que resulta de usar la mano en la puerta (then follow up with sharing how “toc” has 2 meanings: tocar: knock & OCD)
ii. Section 2: mover con ritimo o rapidez y agitacion (then follow up with ¿danzar como un bailarina? No….¿como baila un gato? ….es un poco loco, no?
iii. Section 2: estar encarcelado; en una forma de prisión (my students really know “jaulas” because we read Robo en la Noche)
iv. Section 3: enfermedad infecciosa
v. Section 3: esapado y atrapado (al mismo tiempo? Mentalmente / físicamente)
c. Then (in Spanish!!!!) we were able to talk about this epidemic in our society!
d. Watch video (time for more input?!)
4. Evaluación: on back of WS: Escribe 3 ideas para este tipo de enfermedad: es posible que / es necesario que / es importante que
Day 10: Curanderos: intro (Carmen Lomas Garza)
1. Administrivia
Puedo: describir razones y remedies POSIBLES para un curandero
Entrada: (I used last class “evaluación” and asked them to fix highlighted mistakes and then: escribe 3 recomendaciones adicionales para una enfermedad mental
Frases: ¿Qué es un remedio natural?
2. Curanderos
a. Post a photo of a real curandero and teacher does “picture talk” to explain the: profession, location, remedies, illnesses
b. Put out bags:
3. Arte
a. Pass out question cards (each student gets a card with a different Q word in Spanish) and students brainstorm a question they can ask about the painting based on their Q card
b. Post a painting by Carmen Lomas Garza
c. Call on students to ask questions and teacher answer
d. AB partner speaking:
i. One partner has back to screen
ii. post another picture
iii. person with back must ask 5 Qs and person looking answers
iv. switch roles and paintings
4. Evaluación: describe un curandero (written)
Day 11: Curanderos: song: La Curandera by Elastic Bond
1. Administrivia
Puedo: identificar problemas y remedies en la canción
Entrada: Describe un curandero: es posible que / es necesario que / es importante que
Frases: ¿Qué es un curandero?
2. Música (note: I put this in my powerpoint and then put a Black rectangle shape over the lyrics until I needed them)
a. Watch video and write a list of 10 objects you can identify
b. Class report out and brainstorm how many can get total
c. WS: listen and select which word (we chose to use all synonyms as options to aid in our post conversation)
d. Check your own by watching video with lyrics
e. Review and help with some meaning
3. Evidencia
a. Show visuals one at a time and ask students to point to line on the WS
b. Discuss purpose of song…importance of this cultural practice that a product (song) was created about it
4. Evaluación: write down 5 things from song and identify if profesión or enfermedad or remedio
Day 12: Curanderos: Interpretive Reading Evaluation
1. Administrivia
Puedo: identificar evidencia del curanderismo en el artículo
Entrada: read sentences to determine type of grammar needed (factual or possible)
Frases: ¿Qué usa un curandero para curar?
2. Objetos de curanderos
b. All take an object and say a description
c. Different object! Ask a question (this is to practice for our final assessment!!!)
d. Different object! Give a POSSIBLE use
e. Different object! Choose description, question or possible use
g. Take an object and say all three (description, question or possible use) in order to demonstrate IL (series of sentences)
3. Hechos factuales: marker race:
a. place a marker between students
b. teacher say idea
c. 1st to grab says true or false and get point if correct
4. Evaluación: reading IPA (30 minutes)
Day 13: Socratic Seminar (ugh….we didn’t do because timing….but next year!!!...we want them to give their opinions, ask questions, make connections)
Day 14: Intro Project
1. Vocab review
a. Quizlet “learn” mode
b. Quizlet live
2. Intro project
3. Model!!!! They ask me a variety of questions about my artwork and I respond with a series of sentences (asking a variety of simple questions and using series of sentences are both Intermediate Low characteristics)
4. Distribute artwork and plan ideas. Trade papers and practice asking questions
5. PREPARE your memorized cultural comparison
1. Warm-up: I passed back their pictures from the scavenger hunt….but gave to a different student and needed to write 3 sentences based on pictures: es posible que / es necesario que / es importante que
2. Return to original person
3. Assign speaking partner and record on flipgrid
4. On-demand writing (we just put the speaking task in a writing situation)
1. Warm-up: I passed back their pictures from the scavenger hunt….but gave to a different student and needed to write 3 sentences based on pictures: es posible que / es necesario que / es importante que
2. Return to original person
3. Assign speaking partner and record on flipgrid
4. On-demand writing (we just put the speaking task in a writing situation)
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