Thursday, February 8, 2018

Unit Reflections

I'm reading The Keys to Planning for Learning right now in order to participate in #langbook chat. In finishing up chapter 3 #langbook chat about Lesson Design,@MmeCarbonneau posed the prompt about reflection.

I like my unit reflection.  It’s feedback for me about the students overall take-aways and their opinion of the unit.  It’s also a way for me to keep identifying the cultural Ps.  Sometimes my students tell me this is stressful, though they say it lightheartedly.  I don’t know why…it’s in English and there’s no grade!

I collect them, read all of them, make some comments so they know I’m not wasting their time and write down any ah-ha’s in my unit plan. 

So here’s access to many of my docs.  Some are level 4 and some are level 5.  They vary because the summative goal changes (mode and task type) and the content changes.

Feel free to use and modify.  I got the proficiency level reflection from @WLClassroom.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Unit: Poder de Solidaridad

I made some modifications from my unit last year, including the name, but there's a lot of the same.  A huge modification was changing my final was lacking
something before.  My own children were working on their (5th grade) book report at home and that's when it hit me.  I have a lot of icons and symbolism in this unit, so I'd conclude with a Mystery Bag interview.  (I created a back up for students who "forgot")

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