Feedback FROM the students
I want the students to give me feedback so I know what works, what they like and what they don't like. So here are two ways that I can do that.
- Using an idea from @lamaestraloca for her classroom management system That sign was so that we could identify certain characteristics that we want in our intermediate-level students. Making Connections is one that we have also. We reward away when they ask questions make comment and connections. But regarding feedback FROM the students, it's just something that I make myself build in my lessons. After I introduce or use something such as an #authres or an activity, I pause, point to the sign and ask students if they'd like to comment, question or opinion about it.'s in L2 and it's in front of the class, so I know I don't get full disclosure, but it sets the tone that I want their feedback and I encourage L2. So maybe a student says I don't like the song. I can ask if it's too slow or too fast or the wrong style and then I can ask if other students agree. I reward points for those that speak up (ultimately giving them a celebration of some sort at the end of the unit if they make the goal) and get some insight into their opinion.
- I've blogged about my unit reflections before. It's just another opportunity to get insight from them for my personal planning.
I like my unit reflection. It’s feedback for me about the students overall take-aways and their opinion of the unit. It’s also a way for me to keep identifying the cultural Ps. Sometimes my students tell me this is stressful, though they say it lightheartedly. I don’t know why…it’s in English and there’s no grade!